• +92-51-9270173
  • anf@anf.gov.pk
News: ANF Pakistan seized 2053.463 Kg Drugs worth US$ 159.701 Million [28 Nov 2023]. | Anti Narcotics Force Pakistan seized 1975.374 Kg Drugs, 158 Liters Acetone, 290 Liters Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) Chemicals & 8520 Liters Wines worth US$ 179.275 Million internationally | ANF Pakistan seized 428.943 Kg Drugs worth US$ 10.411 Million Internationally [12 Sep 2023]. | ANF Pakistan seized 4166.009 Kg Drugs and 480 Litres Imported Alcohol worth US$ 277.174 Million internationally [19 Sep 2023]. | ANF Pakistan seized 644.334 Kg Drugs, 190 Liter HCL & 600 Kg Suspected Powder worth US$ 15.936 Million internationally [26 Sep 2023]. | ANF Pakistan seized 1698.343 Kg Drugs worth US$ 38.607 Million internationally [24 Oct 2023]. | ANF Pakistan seized 1082.841 Kg Drugs & 3000 Liters Acetic Anhydride Chemical worth US$ 27.970 Million [22 Nov 2023]. | ANF Pakistan seized 960.981 Kg Drugs & 102 Liters Hydrochloric Acid Chemical (HCL) worth US$ 27.064 Million [14 Nov 2023]. | ANF Pakistan seized 2830.340 Kg Drugs worth US$ 207.806 Million [19 Dec 2023]. | ANF Pakistan seized 1168 Kg Drugs worth US$ 79 Million. Arrested 52 accused including an Afghan National and 7 females while conducting 39 counter narcotics operations. [10 June 2024] | ANF Pakistan seized 3046 Drugs and 1560 liter HCL US$ 74 Million. Arrested 52 accused including an Afghan Nationals and 6 females while conducting 49 counter narcotics operations. | ANF Pakistan seized 814 Kg Drugs and 208 bottles of Liquor US$ 107 Million. Arrested 52 accused including 2 Afghan Nationals and 5 females while conducting 38 counter narcotics operations. | ANF Pakistan seized 2894 Kg Drugs and 636 Liter Hydrochloric Acid worth US$ 345 Million. Arrested 32 accused including an Afghan National and a female while conducting 43 counter narcotics operations. | Anti Narcotics Force Pakistan seized 543 Kgs Drugs worth US$ 39 Million. Arrested 34 accused including 4 ladies and impounded 10 vehicles while conducting 34 counter narcotics operations throughout the country. | ANF Pakistan seized 1181 Kg Drugs and 434 Liters Acetic Anhydride worth US$ 82.438 Million. Arrested 48 accused including 4 women and impounded 13 vehicles while conducting 44 counter narcotics operations throughout the country | ANF Pakistan seized 1164.139 Kg Drugs worth US$ 43.698 Million internationally [30 Oct 2023].



AL-NISA Forum was established at HQ ANF and all Regional Directorates on International Women's Day, 8th March 2023. It was created to promote the ideals of "ANF Gender Strategy & Advocacy Plan 2022-2027".

AL-NISA Forum brings together the vitality and exuberance of serving ANF officials and the time-honored experience of the non-serving better halves of senior ANF officers who form the Council of Elders. AL-NISA Forum is one of the landmark initiatives undertaken by ANF for women's empowerment, mainstreaming, and strengthening the gender-responsive work environment.

Through the medium of the AL-NISA Forum and driven by voluntary spirit, the Council of Elders is mandated to promote a culture of inclusion amongst ANF womenfolk regardless of their cultural and social differences, render wise counsel regarding the welfare of women in service, provide guidance against workplace harassment and discrimination, and bridge communication gap between all ranks of ANF Women leadership and senior ANF male leadership.

The Secretariat of the AL-NISA Forum was formally inaugurated at HQANF on 17th August 2023. Other vital initiatives by ANF to protect gender equity in all its facets include the construction of women's hostels, daycare centers, exclusive Ladies' Common Rooms in all establishments, the constitution of an Anti-Harassment Committee headed by the Senior Most Lady Officer, the establishment of Women's Career Planning Cell and focused efforts to enhance their professional capacities. In its journey towards women empowerment, ANF acknowledges the contributions and support rendered by the U.S. Embassy Islamabad Office of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INL) and UNDP in formulating "ANF Gender Strategy & Advocacy Plan 2022-2027" and other related initiatives. ANF looks forward to undertaking multi-faceted initiatives on women's empowerment through its strong partnership with INL and other international partners.


Commemoration of Iqbal Day

Women Day